Tree Champions: 40m Sprint
From 6 - 8 June, Westonbirt's learning and participation team will be hosting the Tree Champions family event. The event will include a trail around some of our own Olympic champions - our trees and shrubs - as well as some great Olympic-themed craft activities with a woody twist! Here, the team reveal some of the Tree Champion facts you can discover at Westonbirt…

Bamboo is a woody grass.
There are about 1,000 species, ranging from small plants to giants that can reach 40m tall, and it only takes four to five years for bamboo to grow to full size.
Growing at up to 91cm a day, some species of bamboo are the fastest growing plants in the world.
Bamboo with an 8 inch / 20cm diameter stem can reach 80ft / 24m in a two month growing season!
Useful links
Become a member of the Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum
More about Westonbirt’s family events