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Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Tree of the Month - October 2015

Posted: September 24, 2015 at 11:30 am Author: Dan Crowley

What is tree of the month?

Carya cordiformis – bitternut

Why is it tree of the month?

The hickories are renowned for their autumn colour and C. cordiformis is always a hit. Attaining a considerable size and turning a beautiful yellow, it is well worth growing where space allows. It is also one of the easiest of the genus to identify, with its narrow leaflets, small, ribbed fruit and sulphur yellow buds.


Where can I find it?

The UK champion (for height) can be found not far from Mitchell Drive in the Old Arboretum (G26 on your seasonal trail map), growing alongside other fine members of the genus. Similarly, our finest specimen in Silk Wood (see photo) can be found in what was once the Hickory Collection, at the south end of Broad Drive. Along with these, specimens from last years successful seed collecting expedition to the USA will be making their way into the collection this autumn.