Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Blog - Restoration

Clearing the way

Silk Wood is stirring. Two years after the loss of its ash trees, this community woodland is poised for a comeback as we embark on the first phase of a three-year regeneration project.

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Silk Wood Community Planting Project: Phase One funded

We’re thrilled to announce that Westonbirt Arboretum has raised over £350,000 towards Phase One of the ‘Silk Wood Community Planting Project’.

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Woodland Design Workshops Inspires Young People

The Silk Wood Community Planting Project is a great example of how schoolchildren can be involved in the design and management of their local environment. Find out more about the recent forest design workshops...

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Coppicing: A New Shelter

Earlier this year, the Coppice Regeneration Project saw the completion of a purpose-built shelter for the Coppice compound at Westonbirt Arboretum, thanks to funding from The Friends through the continued support of members and donors. Find out more...

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Silk Wood Community Planting Project - A trip to Delamere Nursery

After introducing Oscar and his role a couple of months ago, he has been busy behind the scenes planning and making progress getting ready for the project to regenerate a part of Silk Wood. Read on to learn about his trip to Delamere Nursery...

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Coppicing: A traditional forestry practice

Coppicing is a traditional forestry practice with many benefits for both the environment and human society. Learn more about this sustainable forestry practice and how it is being used to restore derelict coppice at Westonbirt.

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New Silk Wood Project Manager

In January 2023, we welcomed Oscar Adams to Westonbirt Arboretum as the new Silk Wood Project Manager. We caught up with Oscar to find out more about him, his role and the future of Silk Wood...

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Westonbirt Woodworks is Complete

Posted in: Blog Restoration

Over the last few months, Westonbirt Woodworks has been a hubbub of activity as we have transformed the site into a centre for showcasing timber at Westonbirt Arboretum – a key part of the story in the lifecycle of our trees.

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Re-roofing nearly complete!

Since our last blog post, there have been some fairly big changes to the way things are looking down at Westonbirt Woodworks.

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A different kind of demonstration...

Posted in: Blog Restoration

Thanks to generous donations given to support the restoration of Westonbirt Woodworks the next phase of the project is well under way - creating a Demonstration Area.

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Taking the next steps

Posted in: Blog Restoration

Over the last few weeks, some of you will have noticed we’ve been quite busy beneath the STIHL Treetop Walkway…..

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Building the Westonbirt Woodworks

As part of our exciting new Woodworks project, Westonbirt staff and volunteers were given the opportunity to get involved in the building of our new drying shelter - see how they got on...

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Posted in: Blog Restoration

Westonbirt is welcoming back Perchard Structural Timberworks to help us develop our Woodworks this winter. Read on to find out how Nick and his team are getting on...

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Let’s Get Framing

Posted in: Blog Restoration

Last week, Nick Perchard had a busy few days sorting through the timber that has been milled on site from our own oak.

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Transforming Westonbirt Woodworks

Posted in: Blog Restoration

The preparations are complete, and we are about to commence our exciting new project at Westonbirt Arboretum: the restoration of Westonbirt Woodworks.

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