Tree of the Month - August 2017
What is Tree of the Month?
Aralia elata – Japanese Angelica Tree

Why is it Tree of the Month?
Also known as 'Devil’s Walking Stick', for its viciously spiny bark.
‘Walking stick’ is particularly apt for our two trees on Main Drive (19.0446), as they have literally moved! The original plant was growing a few yards from where the two are now and was removed some years ago, having rotted at the base. Soon after, two suckers from the original plant emerged and have been growing well ever since! They have some of the biggest leaves in the collection, which are twice pinnate and sometimes over a metre long. The ivy-like inflorescences are absolutely loved by insects.
Where can I find it?
As well as our walking plant, young examples collected in Japan in 2011 are growing well close to Loop Walk in the Old Arboretum. We hope they will continue to move up rather than elsewhere!
Find the plant using the Westonbirt map.