Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Blog - Tree management

The final week for Autumnwatch at Westonbirt

The last four weeks have flown by and the final BBC Autumnwatch Live show will be broadcast from Westonbirt Arboretum this Friday, 28th October.

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Looking at trees with Autumnwatch – from above and below!

With two great BBC Autumnwatch Live shows completed from the Great Oak Hall at Westonbirt Arboretum, and the Autumnwatch team onsite to get ready for another packed programme tonight.

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115 years of hard work

In August 1896 the owner of Westonbirt, George Holford, wrote to Mr Thistleton Dyer the director of Kew Gardens.

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Why are you removing rhododendrons?

If you’ve been a visitor to Westonbirt these last few weeks you might be surprised to see the cutting and removal of quite a few Rhododendron ponticum plants whilst in full bloom.

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Keeping up to Date

Recently my volunteers and I have been recording potentially hazardous trees, unfortunately a number will have to be removed so I have provided a list and maps for the tree team.

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Tree Team Work at Westonbirt

Posted in: Blog Tree management

October at Westonbirt is a very busy time for us all, especially the tree team. Along with the seasonal added car parking and admissions work we still have to under take our usual duties.

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Arborists' Adventures

As members of the tree team here at Westonbirt, we are always looking to find ways to improve the management of plant collections.

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Propagation Update

As well as propagating trees and shrubs for the Westonbirt collection, I am also working with two other organisations on conservation projects, namely Natural England and Plantlife.

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Tree Team Work

Along with planting this time of year, we also remove trees deemed to be hazardous. Although it is always sad to see these large trees come down, it is part of the ongoing management cycle of any collection.

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