Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Blog - Tree management

New homes for 211 trees!

January and February are a busy time for the team here at Westonbirt! Before the cold weather really sets in, our tree team must find new homes for hundreds of new plants.

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The great drought of 2018

As we enter into the seventh week of hot dry weather, find out how we manage the tree collection in these difficult conditions...

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Ash dieback found - how can you help?

We have been monitoring Chalara dieback of ash in Westonbirt Arboretum. Find out how we are helping and what you can do.

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Our visit to Bedgebury Pinetum

In July, Westonbirt’s Tree Team set off on a cross county journey to visit the Tree Team at Westonbirt’s sister site; Bedgebury Pinetum.

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Veteran Tree Fencing

Over the coming months you will see that we are taking steps to protect some of our valuable parkland trees on the Downs, in particular old veterans, but younger trees planted for the future as well.

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Plant hunting...week two!

We've just left Naples to head for Arrezo in the north.

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A day in the life of a student arborist

Once again our student arborist placement is well under way, and this year we’ve been thrilled to receive the generous support from two funders, the Finnis Scott Foundation and the Ernest Cook Trust.

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A sad story to share…

Over 450,000 visits are welcomed at Westonbirt each year and the vast majority of people enjoy a wonderful time in a picturesque setting.

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Carrying out some TLC

The Tree Team are currently working hard between Broad Drive and semi-natural woodland beyond the western side.

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Baby giant

One of the first plantings of 2016, this young Giant Redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum) was planted on the downs area of Westonbirt. It is the first Giant Redwood of Westonbirt origin to be successfully germinated and grown on site.

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The end of a big black pine...

You may notice some temporary traffic lights outside the arboretum today and tomorrow (27 and 28 January 2016).

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Chalara confirmed at Westonbirt

Chalara dieback of ash, commonly known as ash dieback, caused by the Hymenoscyphus fraxineus fungus, has been confirmed at Westonbirt, The National Arboretum, this autumn.

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Old plants, new tricks

Westonbirt Arboretum’s Tree Team is working with The Duchy College to grow new plants from some of the collection’s oldest and rarest rhododendrons.

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Stuck between rot and a hard place…

Deciding when to remove old trees is one of the hardest decisions we have to take here at Westonbirt.

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The Wolfson Tree Management Centre: An Update

Work is currently underway on what will become the new Wolfson Tree Management Centre. The new facility will provide all that Westonbirt’s expert tree team needs to manage the tree collection.

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