Winter has its own magical feel. It can be invigorating and windy or still and a little eerie. The deciduous trees have dropped their foliage, leaving evergreens to enjoy centre stage.
Blog - Winter 2017
Likin' Lichen
Trees provide an ideal home and vital resources for lots of wildlife. Honorary Research Fellow School of Biological Sciences University of Bristol, David Hill, tells us about these incredible fungi.
Winter World
As winter draws in around us, the trees and wildlife of the arboretum prepare for the long haul to spring. It’s a lovely time to explore and there’s always plenty to look out for.
Five Years of Progress
In 2012 we received fantastic news. We had been awarded a £1.9 million Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant towards Phase One of the Westonbirt Project, which would bring significant improvements to the arboretum and our visitors’ experience.
When the Cows Come Home
We are delighted that we will once again be grazing our downland this winter. A neighbouring farmer will be bringing a small number of native rare breed Gloucester cattle to graze here for short periods over the winter.
Smoke on the Horizon
Silk Wood has been sustainably managed for many centuries, principally with a short rotation under-storey of hazel coppice and a long rotation over-storey of oak standards.
Guess Who's Lost in the Deep Dark Wood
The sculpture of the Gruffalo in the Old Arboretum has always been a favourite with families.
A Botanical Wonder in Wales
As the most visited garden in Wales, we were looking forward to discovering the assortment of themed gardens, lakes and interesting plant life on offer at the botanic garden.
Party Time at Westonbirt
Learning with Nature, Westonbirt’s learning partner, are introducing children’s parties and uniformed community group visits (such as Cubs and Guides) to the arboretum.
Sculptured Shelter
Westonbirt's HLF funded community programme has now been running for over four years! Our community engagement officers and volunteers have done a wonderful job organising activities that connect the arboretum with a wider audience.
Mobility Shuttle's Maiden Journey
The new mobility shuttle made its maiden journey on Saturday 30 September.
A Collective Masterpiece
Great things have been happening in the Great Oak Hall this autumn with The Gloucestershire Printmakers Cooperative’s “giant print” event inspired by one of the arboretum’s beautiful oaks.
Ted's Fright
Many years ago, too far back for most of us to remember, Ted was driving a tractor through an overgrown area of Silk Wood, only to find himself teetering precariously over the edge of an abyss. From then on this old quarry was called Ted’s Fright.
A Bumper Year for Awards
It’s been a really exciting year for Westonbirt, as we see the culmination of many years of hard work and the fruits of your incredible support.
The Westonbirt Wood Project
Will you help us to restore Westonbirt’s wood centre?...
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- Silk Wood Community Planting Project (30)
- Silk Wood (36)
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- Old Arboretum (7)
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