Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Blog - Botanical

Carrying out some TLC

The Tree Team are currently working hard between Broad Drive and semi-natural woodland beyond the western side.

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Tree of the Month - September 2016

Find out why the Magnolia grandiflora is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for September...

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Tree of the Month - August 2016

Find out why the Sorbus ‘John Mitchell’ is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for August...

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Tree of the Month - July 2016

Find out why the Stewartia monadelpha is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for July...

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Tree of the Month - June 2016

Find out why the Indian horse chestnut is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for June...

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Tree of the Month - May 2016

Find out why the Abies delavayi is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for May...

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Tree of the Month - April 2016

Find out why the Acer hyrcanum is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for April...

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Tree of the month - March 2016

Find out why the Algerian Oak is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for March...

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Tree of the month - February 2016

Find out why the Sargent spruce is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for February...

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Baby giant

One of the first plantings of 2016, this young Giant Redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum) was planted on the downs area of Westonbirt. It is the first Giant Redwood of Westonbirt origin to be successfully germinated and grown on site.

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The end of a big black pine...

You may notice some temporary traffic lights outside the arboretum today and tomorrow (27 and 28 January 2016).

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Tree of the Month - January 2016

Find out why the Oriental plane is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for January...

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Tree of the Month - December 2015

Find out why the Algerian fir is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for December...

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Tree of the month - November 2015

Find out why the Nikko maple is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for November...

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Chalara confirmed at Westonbirt

Chalara dieback of ash, commonly known as ash dieback, caused by the Hymenoscyphus fraxineus fungus, has been confirmed at Westonbirt, The National Arboretum, this autumn.

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