Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Blog - Botanical

Autumn Colour Watch: now, that's what I call autumnal...

Posted in: Blog Botanical Autumn

Autumn is a spectacular time of year at Westonbirt. This photo-packed blog will take you through the weekly highlights of what’s looking good and where.

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Autumn Colour Watch: a mixed picture of colour

Posted in: Blog Botanical Autumn

Autumn is a spectacular time of year at Westonbirt. This photo-packed blog will take you through the weekly highlights of what’s looking good and where.

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Autumn Colour Watch: a fruitful week

Posted in: Blog Botanical Autumn

Autumn is a spectacular time of year at Westonbirt. This photo-packed blog will take you through the weekly highlights of what's looking good and where.

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Autumn Colour Watch: our marvellous maples

Posted in: Blog Botanical Autumn

Autumn is a spectacular time of year at Westonbirt. This photo-packed blog will take you through the weekly highlights of whats looking good and where.

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Why are you removing rhododendrons?

If you’ve been a visitor to Westonbirt these last few weeks you might be surprised to see the cutting and removal of quite a few Rhododendron ponticum plants whilst in full bloom.

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