Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Blog - Botanical

Veteran Tree Fencing

Over the coming months you will see that we are taking steps to protect some of our valuable parkland trees on the Downs, in particular old veterans, but younger trees planted for the future as well.

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Tree of the Month - April 2018

Find out why winter hazels are our Dendrologist's tree of the month...

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Tree of the Month - March 2018

Find out why the Canary Islands Juniper is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for March...

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Tree of the Month - February 2018

Find out why the Rhododendron ririei is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for February...

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Tree of the Month - January 2018

Find out why the Incense Cedar or Calocedrus decurrens is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for January...

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Tree of the Month - December 2017

Find out why the White barked birch is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for December...

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Tree of the month - November 2017

Find out why the Monterey cypress is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for November...

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A hidden gem in Gloucestershire

Posted in: Blog Botanical

As a Friend of Westonbirt Arboretum, you have discounted entry to various arboretums and gardens across the UK. One of our nearest partners is Batsford Arboretum in Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

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Tree of the Month - October 2017

Find out why the Bitter ash is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for October...

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Tree of the month - September 2017

Find out why the Euonymus oxyphyllus is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for September...

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Tree of the Month - August 2017

Find out why the Japanese Angelica Tree is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for August...

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Tree of the Month - July 2017

Find out why the Chinese yellowwood Tree is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for July...

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Tree of the Month - June 2017

Find out why the Tulip Tree is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for June...

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Update on Vietnam Trip

Having returned from Vietnam a short while ago, I’ve had a little time to reflect on and recall some highlights of what was an amazing and most fascinating trip.

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Tree of the Month - May 2017

Find out why the Whitebeam Tree is our Dendrologist's Tree of the Month for May...

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