Work is currently underway on what will become the new Wolfson Tree Management Centre.
Blog - The Westonbirt Project
The Wolfson Tree Management Centre: An Update
Work is currently underway on what will become the new Wolfson Tree Management Centre. The new facility will provide all that Westonbirt’s expert tree team needs to manage the tree collection.
Testing! Testing!
Come to Westonbirt on the 8th and 9th of April and you can help us to user test our brand new app!...
New life and old traditions
The role of the Community Inclusion team is to enable a greater number of people from under-represented groups to experience the arboretum and to connect with trees.
The Wolfson Tree Management Centre: An Update
The new yard is now complete!...
The Wolfson Tree Management Centre: An Update
Work is currently underway on what will become the new Wolfson Tree Management Centre. The new facility will provide all that Westonbirt’s expert tree team needs to manage the tree collection.
The Wolfson Tree Management Centre: An Update
Work is currently underway on what will become the new Wolfson Tree Management Centre. The new facility will provide all that Westonbirt’s expert tree team needs to manage the tree collection.
A new home for the Tree Team: The Wolfson Tree Management Centre
The ground works have begun on what will become the new Wolfson Tree Management Centre. The new facility will provide all that Westonbirt’s expert tree team needs to manage the tree collection.
Ancient skills for a modern building
Henry Russell is a leading timber framer who was heavily involved in the creation of the Great Oak Hall and the Silk Wood Barn at Westonbirt Arboretum.
The future of Westonbirt Wood Sales
In the next few months we are due to start work on the new Tree Management Centre, as part of Phase Two of the Westonbirt Project.
The pink pegs
You may have wondered what the pink pegs are next to the Welcome Building. Some of you have already guessed that these pegs are marking out the route of the new Treetop Walkway!...
Our evolving landscape
If you have ventured into Silk Wood recently you may well have noticed our Tree Team hard at work in Maple Loop, which is an area was that was once a forest research plot packed full of hybrid larch trees.
On to the next Project...
The Welcome Building has been open nearly two months now and is beginning to feel like it’s always been here.
The Welcome Building is almost complete…
It’s been a very busy few weeks. Rich Bullock our site manager from Speller Metcalfe, has been working around the clock to complete the building so the Westonbirt team can start fitting out furniture and testing the new building.
A Welcome Building update
The Welcome Building has been changing dramatically over a very short space of time and will continue to do so in the coming weeks.
- Tree management (60)
- Visitor experience (39)
- Member communications (32)
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- Great Oak Hall (28)
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- Silk Wood Community Planting Project (29)
- Silk Wood (34)
- Chalara ash dieback (24)
- Old Arboretum (5)
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